Expense Management, Reimagined.

Effortless, efficient, and enjoyable. Meet Compt - the modern way to manage expenses without the headaches.

Seamless processes, no extra vendors, and budget-friendly solutions for every business.

Why Choose Compt for Business Expenses

reimburse expenses

Smooth Integration

Integrate expenses directly with your payroll system. Say goodbye to juggling multiple apps and hello to efficiency.

customizable approval process

Tailored Approval

Customize your approval process to fit your company's unique size and style, from startups to large corporations.

Sales Incentive Bonus

IRS Compliant

Compt ensures all expenses meet IRS guidelines so you can focus on what matters - your people.

expenses of all types

Versatile Coverage

Whether it's business trips, client dinners, or software subscriptions, Compt handles it all effortlessly.

expense report approval modal gif

Expense Reimbursement with Compt

Here's how it works: 

  1. Snap & Upload: Take a photo of your receipt and upload it directly to Compt. No more lost receipts or paperwork hassles.
  2. Add a Description: Provide a brief description of the expense and categorize it according to your company's customizable options.
  3. Submit for Approval: Send your expense for approval in just one click.
  4. Direct Payroll Integration: Once approved, reimbursements are processed directly through payroll, ensuring timely and accurate payments.
  5. Monitor & Report: Track expenses and reimbursements with real-time reporting. Compt's dashboard offers clear insights into spending patterns and compliance.

Compt Is Where Payroll Meets Its Perfect Match

Compt bridges the gap between payroll and expense management at a fraction of the price of those other guys. When integration is this smooth, the entire process becomes more harmonious and efficient.


Trusted by Leading Companies Like Yours

Masterclass, Jenni Kayne, and Chick-Fil-A rely on Compt for its:

  • Quick Setup
  • Vendor Diversity
  • Global Currency Handling
  • IRS Compliance
  • Transparent Pricing

Expense management software isn't just for companies with big budgets.


Ready to Simplify Expense Management?

Empower your team, improve efficiency, and enhance your expense management process with Compt.

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