Navigating the Hiring Process: Insights from Recruiter Stephanie Loewenstern

by Lauren Schneider September 26th, 2023

This is a recap from "Getting Personal with Compt," a show dedicated to exploring how we can create a more human workplace experience. In this episode, Lauren Schneider, the Head of Communications at Compt, sat down with Stephanie Loewenstern, the founder of BrightLink Talent, a recruiting agency specializing in high-growth technology companies and startups.

To watch the full episode, click here or click play below:

Stephanie's Background and Expertise

Before diving into the nitty-gritty of hiring, Lauren and Stephanie set the stage by exploring Stephanie's background and expertise. Stephanie is the driving force behind BrightLink Talent, a recruiting agency specializing in high-growth technology companies and startups. Her agency aids businesses in filling key roles, such as sales, marketing, and operations. In addition to her recruiting work, Stephanie operates BrightLink Rising, a career coaching and job strategy business dedicated to helping individuals "rise from the ashes" and discover their next career steps.

One notable aspect of Stephanie's work is her extensive experience in collaborating with Compt, which she affectionately describes as one of her favorite clients. This long-standing partnership underscores her commitment to understanding the unique needs and cultures of her clients, ensuring a perfect fit between employers and candidates.

Identifying Red Flags in the Hiring Process

The conversation then delved into the topic of red flags, starting from the employer's perspective. Stephanie offered valuable insights into identifying red flags in candidates during the hiring process.

Red Flags for Employers

  1. Inconsistent Job History: Frequent job changes with no clear explanation may raise concerns. Employers should dig deeper to understand the reasons behind these transitions.
  2. Punctuality: Being late to interviews, even virtual ones, can be a red flag that suggests a lack of professionalism.
  3. Lack of Follow-Up: Failing to send a thank-you note after an interview can signal a lack of interest or appreciation for the opportunity.
  4. Lack of Preparation: Candidates should exhibit enthusiasm, research the company, and be knowledgeable about the job they're interviewing for.
  5. Body Language: Employers can observe a candidate's body language, enthusiasm, and overall interest during interviews.

Red Flags for Job Seekers

Switching to the employee's perspective, Stephanie and Lauren discussed red flags for job seekers when evaluating job postings and interview experiences:

  1. Incomplete Job Postings: Job postings that lack essential details, such as salary range, can be frustrating for job seekers.
  2. Poorly Crafted Job Descriptions: Job descriptions that lack thought or use vague language can be indicative of a poorly managed role.
  3. Disorganized Interviews: If the interview process is chaotic, unclear, or unorganized, it can raise concerns about the company's culture and professionalism.
  4. Lack of Respect: Job seekers should be attentive to how they are treated during the interview process. Disrespectful behavior or inattentiveness can be a red flag.
  5. Trust Your Gut: If a job opportunity or company doesn't feel right, it's essential to trust your instincts and consider whether it's the right fit.

Benefits of Working with a Recruiter

Stephanie highlighted the advantages of working with a recruiter for both employers and job seekers.

For Employers:

  • Time-Saving: Recruiters help save time by screening candidates and presenting only qualified ones.
  • Access to Passive Talent: Recruiters have access to passive candidates who may not be actively searching for jobs. These individuals can be hidden gems for employers.
  • Expertise in Matchmaking: Recruiters can identify the right fit between candidates and employers. They know how to find a culture add, not just a culture fit.

For Job Seekers:

  • Access to Hidden Opportunities: Recruiters often have access to unadvertised job openings, granting job seekers access to opportunities they might otherwise miss.
  • Advocacy: Recruiters can advocate for candidates and help bridge gaps in their resumes or experience.
  • Trustworthy Guidance: Recruiters offer valuable insights and guidance throughout the hiring process, making it less daunting.

Changing Perceptions of Recruiters

Lauren and Stephanie take a moment to reflect on how perceptions of recruiters have evolved over time. They agree that today's recruiters are more often seen as advocates and partners in the job search process, rather than intimidating gatekeepers. Stephanie's approach underscores this transformation, emphasizing transparency and collaboration in helping both employers and candidates find their ideal matches.

The conversation provided valuable insights into the hiring process from both the employer's and job seeker's perspectives. Stephanie Loewenstern's expertise shed light on how to navigate red flags and leverage the benefits of working with a recruiter. In today's job market, where transparency and a human-centric approach are valued, these insights are more relevant than ever.

Find Stephanie on LinkedIn or at Email her at

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