Cultivating Culture and Retaining Talent in the Fire Protection and Security Industry

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Getting Personal is a show dedicated to exploring the human experience in the workplace and connecting with workplace experts. In this episode, we delve into the world of the fire protection and security industry, where "deskless" (on-site, hourly, field technicians) workers play a crucial role. Our guest, Jarrad Smith, a security service manager in the industry, shares his insights and experiences in building a better human experience at work.

The Importance of Recognizing Employees as People

In the fast-paced world of fire protection and security, it's easy to overlook the fact that employees are not just a headcount but individuals with unique needs and aspirations. As the workplace evolves, it becomes increasingly important to focus on the employee experience and create a culture that values and supports the whole person.

Jarrad highlights the significance of recognizing employees as resources. He emphasizes the importance of being a supportive and accessible leader, someone who can provide guidance, escalate issues, and offer a listening ear. By fostering strong interpersonal connections, managers can help employees navigate their daily challenges and create a sense of camaraderie within the team.

Cultivating Culture Within a Culture

In an industry that encompasses various teams and specialties, cultivating a culture within a culture becomes essential. Jarrad shares his approach to building a strong team dynamic by conducting monthly staff meetings. These meetings provide an opportunity for field technicians, management, and engineering teams to come together, share their experiences, discuss trends, and boost team morale. By creating a space for open communication and problem-solving, Jarrad ensures that his team feels supported and connected.

The Challenges of Recruiting and Retaining Talent

Recruiting and retaining talent in the fire protection and security industry can be a daunting task. With a specialized field that requires a combination of technical knowledge and a willingness to learn, finding the right fit can be challenging. Jarrad acknowledges the high demand for skilled technicians and the need to strike a balance.

The onboarding process plays a crucial role in retaining employees. Jarrad explains that their onboarding period spans from three to eighteen months, depending on the specialized field (security, fire sprinkler, pre-engineered, fire alarm, etc.). This comprehensive training ensures that technicians are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles. However, the administrative aspects of onboarding, such as paperwork and logistics, can be time-consuming and require careful attention.

The Impact of Work-Life Balance and Company Culture

In a post-pandemic world, employees are seeking more than just a paycheck. They want a company that cares about their well-being, offers a healthy work-life balance, and fosters a positive culture. Jarrad emphasizes the importance of benefits, such as 401k plans, pensions, and paid time off, in attracting and retaining talent. Additionally, creating a supportive and inclusive company culture through regular team meetings, outings, and recognition initiatives can make employees feel valued and motivated.

Check out other episodes of "Getting Personal with Compt."

The Future Outlook: Retention and Employee Satisfaction

Looking ahead, Jarrad emphasizes the importance of employee retention in the fire protection and security industry. Skilled technicians are in high demand, and companies must prioritize creating an environment where employees feel supported and valued. By listening to their needs, providing the necessary tools for success, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance, companies can build strong and loyal teams.

The fire protection and security industry faces unique challenges in recruiting and retaining talent. By recognizing employees as individuals, cultivating a culture within a culture, and prioritizing work-life balance and company culture, companies can create a better human experience at work. The future outlook relies on the ability to adapt to changing employee expectations and provide the support and resources necessary for success.

As the fire protection and security industry continues to evolve, it is crucial to prioritize the well-being and satisfaction of employees. By doing so, companies can build strong and resilient teams that contribute to their overall success.

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